Prednáška Corpus Linguistics in Translation Studies

Milí študenti,

pozývame vás na prednášku na tému Corpus Linguistics in Translation Studies, ktorá sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 13.5.2021 od 9:15 do 10:15 na platforme

Prednášku bude viesť Dr hab. Anna Bączkowska, prof. UG z Univerzity v Gdansku (Poľsko).


The talk will aim at showing how Translation Studies can benefit from the tools and methods of analysis used in Corpus Linguistics. Some software and databases available online, text analysis methods and statistical formulae will be presented on monolingual corpora. The option of using parallel corpora for comparisons of translations of the same source text across languages will be demonstrated on a corpus of English and Slovak.

Tešíme sa na stretnutie.

on 11 máj 2021