INTERSHIP AIMS: Students expand their professional skillsets in translation and interpreting
1. Internship goals
- Giving future translators and interpreters a chance to test their skills in a practical context based on the theoretical findings from their studies
- Providing translation and interpreting students with vocational training in a professional setting
- Allowing students to test their practical foreign language skills in real-life translation and interpreting situations
- Gaining technical skills through the use of technological tools (CAT tools, glossaries…)
- Being aware of the specific challenges in translating various types of texts
- Gaining practical skills in client interaction and in agreeing on work conditions
- Increasing career prospects in the future job market
- Creating valuable contacts for future employment
2. Definition of the role of the receiving institution
- An introduction to the organisation
- A briefing on the content of the future employment as well as an overview of the work conditions at the organisation
- An overview of the translation software used in the organisation
- Familiarisation with the type of texts that will be translated
- Preparing an Internship Certificate, which includes a verbal evaluation of the intern as well as the type and extent of the translation/interpreting work that was completed
3. Definition of the role of the intern
- An active participation in the full length of the internship’s duration in the chosen receiving organisation
- Following the Code of conduct at the receiving organisation, including working time and any applicable directives or legal provisions relating to data confidentiality
- Preparing an Internship Evaluation (includes the name and address of the organisation, types of texts, technical equipment etc.)
- Keeping the records of the translated texts in both source and target languages
4. Internship dates
- Internships usually take place outside of teaching hours, usually in the summer semester for 2nd year MA students
- Students who would like to take part in an internship during teaching time have to inform the Head of the Department and request an exemption for the missed classes.
The minimal duration of an internship is 10 work days. Please submit your Internship evaluation forms in one package in printed format to the Department’s Secretary (ST320) in the last week of the summer semester in the last year of your study (15 April 2024 at the latest).